Par slave2donna le 6 July 2013 à 17:14
I paid extra for my torture session. Donna had a party going on and if she was going to keep me tortured in her basement during the party then I would have to pay extra to have her torture me in between enjoying her party with her guests.
Donna knows what type of torment I enjoy. On this night, I had paid Donna so much money that she said that she would let me ejaculate at the end of my weekend long session. Whips, nipple clamps, electrotorture - nothing is really out of bounds. It really depends upon how Donna feels at any time.
Donna instructed me to arrive early so that she can set me up in her dungeon and then carry on with her guests. I did as Donna commanded. Parking my car down by the street, I walked up towards her home and rang the doorbell. All the time, in my drive to Donna's home for my session I could only think about Donna, What would she wear? How would she torment me? In what order would she torment me? I was soon to find out and I could barely keep my hard-on in check knowing that even the sight of my beautiful Donna is enough to extract pangs of love from in-between my legs.
Donna answered the door. She looked lovely this evening. She was wearing a blue skirt that sort of hung like paper mache about half-way between her knee and her waist. It was at the height of a mini-skirt. It showed off Donna's beautiful firm legs. As I looked down to see her shoes and feet I could not help but notice she was wearing new shoes. These were sandals with straps across her toes and a sling around her heel. It showed off her beautiful feet. I've been attracted to Donna's feet for years and knowing that she would let me ejaculate while I hold her feet to my face was beyond my imagination after seeing how sexy her feet looked in her strappy sandals. The straps had different colors and were about 1/2 inch wide. The sandals had the most exquisity 3 inch stilleto heel. I love stilleto heels and Donna knows it. Her foot looked like it was almost forced into the sandals and that made me even more excited. If I know Donna, those sandals would be off when the start to hurt and I'd have her bare feet to enjoy. I watched her feet as she walked ahead of me. I particularly enjoyed the way her heel sat in her sandal. There's nothing I love more than Donna's feet, without stockings.
Donna ordered me to go to the dungeon and remove all of my clothes. She followed shortly after. I could hear the click of her heels as she walked down the steps. My slice of heaven was about to be presented to me. Here I was, in the presence of one of the sexiest women I have ever met. Thin, muscular, and with such a forceful personality that I could never resist acquiescing to anything she tells me to do. This goddess of a woman is not standing in front of me as I'm naked with my dick sticking right up. She notices and smirks and then takes a fun smack at my dick.
"Let's see how long you can stay hard like that. I'd particularly like to see you stay like that all weekend until you are allowed to ejaculate." Donna says. Then she moves on to tell me what my weekend would be like as she begins to constrain me. Typically, my hands would be overhead but this time they are down by my side. I have a hip constraing around my hips with my wrists firmly connected. I can't raise or lower my hands nor move them in any way. Donna pushes me back into a chair and begins to tie rope around my chest and legs so that I can't possibly escape.
"This is going to be a very long torture session and I want you to be comfortable throughout the session. Firstly, I have my guests and party to concern myself with and then I can move you into another position. Since you will be constrained for hours I don't want any complaints. Do you understand?" Donna says. I immediately say yes and can't wait for the torment to begin.
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Par slave2donna le 20 June 2013 à 17:27
New fantasies abound. I haven't had time to write but now I"m back on the wagon. I will see Donna for real this week and one of my favorite things to do is simply to melt when I see her. I always notice her hair, the clothes she is wearing and of course, her shoes. I then think of all the fantasies I've had about her and I"m so turned on by knowing that I'm with her. I hope she's wearing a slinky dress with strappy sandals and her hair up the way I like it (hard to describe - sorry).
I love being Donna's slave. She treats me well and I am so turned on by being near her. It's summer and she does like to sun bathe by the beach. Donna has a beach house in a semi-private neighborhood so it's not all so infrequent that we are alone on the beach. Donna has me dressed in my summer clothers which is just a cloth covering my private parts so I could walk to the beach. The remainder of the time she likes me naked - especially in the summer. My Mistress Donna tells me that she likes seeing if I"m getting a hard-on when I'm near her and that it simply heightens the effect of the humiliation she and Master A. like to heap on me. I don't care. As long as I'm near Donna, doing whatever she commands of me. Today we are going to the beach.
"Over her slave", Donna says to me as I scurry to meet her demand immediately. I know the cost of delay. I enjoy when Donna punishes me but I enjoy serving as her slave more so I comply instantly. "Let me see your collar, let's see if it's tight enough", and Donna pulls and tugs a bit and I choke slightly but who cares. I've felt Donna's hand near my neck and I can feel my dick enlarging somewhat. It's tough being in a chastity device because it hurts when my dick begins to grow.
"I think I want you unfettered today. Get the key for your chastity device. I want it off of you. I am going to do my best to see how hard you can get serving me. Oh, and if you don't get hard I assume it's time for a bit of punishment as you've obviously been thinking of other women". I rush to get the key and Donna releases me from the device. Ahhh! sweet freedom. My dick bounces up to attention and all I want to do is rub against Donna's delicious firm body but I know better so I control myself.
"I see you're hard already. You've got a long day ahead. Get your leash and let's get started. Oh, and bring a cool drink for me", Donna commands and I immediately get the drink. I know what my Mistress likes so it takes an instant to prepare. Grabbing on to my leash we begin the walk to the beach. I walking behind my mistress at leash distance while Donna walks commandingly to the beach tugging now and then on my leash. I love walking behind Donna because it gives me a chance to really see her in a way that is difficult when she is ordering me about. I watch as her ass wiggles under her beach robe and lovingly glimpse at her thick-soled flip-flops looking for every inch of the sole of my Mistresses feet that I can see. I fantasize and dream about Donna rubbing her feet all over my face - especially her sweaty feet. I take the view that I'm allowed and my dick grows with every step.
We arrive at the beach after a short walk and I am commanded to set Donna up comfortably in her recliner. "Get my recliner ready", she orders as I begin the set up of everything my Donna needs for a relaxing day on the beach. Donna turns away from me so that I can remove her beach robe and I slowly uncover the most amazing and delicious body that I could ever want to worship. Donna is lean and muscular. A regular goddess to behold. She is wearing a two piece and as I remove her robe I am tempted to kneel and kiss her ass. I am not allowed to touch Donna without her permission and if I did so then I would immediately be chained and set waiting for Master A.'s punishment.
Mistress Donna sits on the recliner ready to turn into a lay down position. I kneel at her feet and remove each of her flip-flops. How wonderful to be able to look at the impression that Donna's feet have made in her flip-flops. My Mistress likes to wear the kind with the 2 inch thick soles so it is even more pleasurable to see the impression her feet have made. She gently raises her feet as if to say "You belong as my foot-boy" and frankly she has said it to me and I"ve appreciated serving at her feet. I gently lift off each flip-flop. Donna seductively makes herself comfortable knowing full-well that I"m aching in my groing to have her. She could see it because when we are along my clothers are completely off.
"It's nice to see that you appreciate serving me foot-boy", my Donna says to me. "What do you say to me foot-boy", she remarks. I am dying now. Fully humiliiated and unable to control my body. Just Donna's touch on my dick would send me over the top. I love being reminded of just how submissive I am around Donna. "Thank you", I reply. "Your feet, your body, everything about you is beautiful and I want to spend all of my time worshipping you", I lamely reply. "I bet you do", says Donna. "Let's see how much you really want me. Crawl to my feet and massage my feet you naked little foot-boy. It's all you're good for so why not get started and show me that you're not as lame as I really think you are? You're such a little shit. Go on, Give me my massage.", Donna commands.
I begin massaging her feet and after the tongue lashing I just got I am as hard as I'm ever going to be and Donna knows it. "Don't let me see one drop of cum or pre-cum on you foot-boy, do you understand? Now get a bit closer to my feet. I want to be able to kick you in the face if you don't please me or, would you rather Master A. punish you as I watch", Donna says. "No Donna, please don't punish me, I"m doing everything you ask and I'l do more. You know I"m here only to serve any of your desires. Please, please let me do as you command and don't punish me", I reply. Donna knows that I hate when Master A. punishes me. It is sheer torment. Nothing but pain for his pleasure and he is very cruel. I've been left in positions of torment for hours on end by Master A. with no escape. At times, all I could do is writhe in pain and I don't wan that to happen at all if I can help it. Master A. is very protective over Donna so it is understandable that he would punish me so cruelly but I still have a very difficult time dealing with the pain.
Miss Donna lifts her foot to my lips. I know what she wants. "That's it foot-boy", Donna says in a sultry voice. "Let those toes into your mouth and suck on them. Get all of the salty goodness off of them", she says. Then as quickly as Donna's toes went into my mouth she gently pulls her foot out and kicks me in the face.
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Par slave2donna le 11 June 2013 à 12:42
I can hear Mistress Donna returning from an afternoon of shopping. I have been tending to the chores she has left to me anxiously awaiting her return. I can hear the door open and the sound of her shopping bag as she drops them on the floor upon her return. I know I'll soon have the pleasure of putting all of her shopping away and but I await her command to do so. I am already under command to do the dishes and M. Donna gets very angry if I leave one chore for another without her expressed desire for me to do so. I have lived with M. Donna and Master A. for about 10 and 5 years respectively. I am deep into my submissive love for them and will do anything to remain controlled by them.
I can hear the patter of M. Donna as she begins to walk towards the kitchen where I am washing the dishes. I can tell that she is wearing her flat loafers;she usually wears flats while shopping. I prefer M. Donna in heels but I am unworthy to make the suggestion.
M. Donna walks up to me. Standing behind me she begins to hug and kiss my ears, neck - anywhere she desires. She is beginning to make love to me and I am ready to bust. My beautiful M. Donna is giving me her attention. I am standing naked so she has complete access to all parts of my body. I am frequently naked when I am indoors because M. Donna says that it heightens my awareness of my subservience and humiliation. She has given me the choice of a humbler device or nakedness and I have chosen nakedness. I know from experience that wearing a humbler just brings out the cruelty in Master and Mistress so I avoid it at all costs. The humbler is now used only for punishment.
Mistress Donna's hands gently work their way down my chest and onto my testicles. My dick aches in the chastity device and she is quite aware of my torment. I hear the key to my chastity device and M. Donna is removing it from me. Ah! such sweet release. I go immediately hard and M. Donna immediately warns me that any cum will be punished. There is a purpose behind her actions. M. Donna is training me to cum on command. Like a puppet, whe wants me hard when she tells me to get hard and to cum when she wants me to cum. The training is very hard to endure because it entails her making love to me without fulfilling my desires. She does everything except let me come. There are even times I am in bed with my Master and Mistress as a third partner (tied to the bed posts so I can't touch myself or lose control).
After a quick grab and rub of my dick the first commands are heard. Mistress Donna grabs a clump of my hair, pulls back just enough to hurt me and says "Get all of your pedicure equipment ready. I will be waiting inside. My pleasure, my Mistress" I reply.
I absolutely love giving Mistress Donna pedicures. Sometimes, she allows me to take the nail polish off and start over again. There is nothing that gives me more pleasure. Ten years ago I approached M. Donna and requested to serve her because I wanted to feel her feet in my hands and smell their incredible aroma. If you ever saw my Mistress you would understand. To me, she is to be worshipped and adored. She could punish me as she sees fit, walk all over me, and humiliate me and I'd just adore her even more. Her strong, beautiful body and dominant demeanor are unmatched and would have any submissive crawling at her feet. But, she chose me and I will not disappoint my Mistress.
I walk into the room. Mistress Donna is sitting on the sofa, arms outstretched along the back of the sofa and she is in a very relaxed position. She has her legs crossed with one leg kicking up and down impatiently. I can tell she wants me to get started. I imagine myself being kicked in the testicles by her foot that is swinging up and down and I get even harder. Damn, she is beautiful.
I kneel at her feet and place the pan of water to the side. Foot washing is the last thing I do. I remove her shoe. M. Donna is barefoot. I am aroused by the scent of her foot surrounding me and I can feel the moistness of her foot sweat on my hand as I gently place her shoe on the ground. I can't wait for what's to come. Usually, I begin by clipping her toenails. If M. Donna is in a good mood she allows me to eat her toenail clippings. If not, then they are sprinkled into my food and I will never know when I've had the pleasure of tasting them. Then we go to a foot massage. This can last quite a while as M. Donna relaxes by rubbing her feet all over my face as I struggle to massage her foot. She enjoys humiliating me in this way.
"Rub my foot, foot-boy" she says. I take the ball of her foot in both hands while I raise her foot to my face. I enjoy smelling M. Donna's feet while I massage her feet so I try and get her foot as close to my nose as I can. I know that M. Donna will figure out a way to torment me if she realizes what I"m doing. The smell of her foot and the moment are intoxicating. I am pleasing Donna and at the same time I am hard as a rock. I hope she doesn't look down and notice my pre-cum. If she sees it, I will be punished for not training properly and not obeying my Mistress.
"Take my other shoe off", she says. "Yes my Mistress anything you desire", I say. M. Donna raises her other foot to my face and begins rubbing her foot all over my face while I am massaging the other. My Mistress is so good to me. I am loving every moment of this training.
I can feel the sweat of her foot as she rubs it up and down and all over my face. "Open your mouth", she commands and begins to push her most beautiful toes into my mouth. I suck on the salty flavor. I imagine that I have the honor of sucking the sweat and smell right off of her toes. I want to lick her entire foot but she has not commanded I do so.
This is where my fantasy ended today.
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Par slave2donna le 5 June 2013 à 16:59
Another day and another fantasy about Donna. I just want to say before I begin that Donna is a real person. The fantasies I have about her dominating and punishing me are of course, just fantasies. If Donna ever knew about my interest in her then I'd be toast. I can't let that happen. Before I begin let me tell you about Donna.
Donna is in her 50's. She's taken very good care of herself and is in great physical shape. She's thin but muscular in a feminine way. Donna has long dark hair and usually wears her hair in a way that highlights her hard chiseled looks. I melt in her presence regardless of how she is dressed. Just being near her is enough to turn my limp dick into a hard-on. When I've seen her in a bathing suit I"ve nearly creamed myself. Just the thought of that strong feminine body and irresistable arrogant attitude makes me want to kneel in her presence and beg to serve her hand and foot. I imagine myself laying down in front of her as either a footstool or have her walk all over me.
There were times when I've been near her sunbathing. That day is stuck in my mind. She lay in the opposite direction of the chair I was sitting in so that her feet were facing me. Here I am with a foot-fetish and need to be abused by Donna and her feet are staring me in the face. I wanted to jerk-off on the spot but there were too many others around.
There was an evening we went out walking (a group of us). She had on a pair of sandals and was dressed in a low cut loose fitting blouse. When we got back to the house she immediately slipped off her sandals and placed her feet on a table in front of her. I almost died and tried to get myself on the other side of the sofa so her feet could be in my face. It was to no avail. She simply placed her feet up on the table as if she were expecting a massage or someone like me to come along and grovel at her feet. This happened more than once.
Another time she was wearing a pair of flat heeled mule shoes with a closed toe. Those always turned me on because I remember snifing a pair when I was young and they smell oh so good. Anyway, she bent down to pick something up and her feet were almost coming out of the shoes. I can see the wrinkles of her soles all the way to the balls of her feet. I wanted to jump to the floor and stick my nose right in there but instead all I could do was memorize the moment.
Another time she almost had me really go ga-ga. Donna has a habit of really getting close in on my face. Almost as if she were going to kiss me except she doesn't. This time she placed her hand under my chin and squeezed my cheeks in the way that some do with a child that they are angry with. Except with me, Donna wasn't angry. I think she was really trying to push to see how far she can take me. She then let go and lightly smacked me across the face and laughed. Sometimes I think she knows how I feel about her.
Donna has to be the most wonderful woman I've ever met. She's dominant by nature and although there's more beautiful than her, her attitude more than makes up for it and places her far above other women that I could adore.
Donna is real and the above scenes really did happen. They are kind of vanilla but they are stuck in my mind and I will never forget them.
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Par slave2donna le 4 June 2013 à 22:31
Sometimes Donna torments me in ways that are not painful, yet she reminds me of how in control she is of my body and mind at all times. Yesterday my Mistress Donna and Master A were heading out to a black tie affair. Herein lies my deepest desires for M. Donna.
I was waiting downstairs to open the door when they were prepared to leave. I watched as M. Donna and Master A walked down the stairs together dressed to the nines. I was especially aware of the beauty of my Mistress. M. Donna always keeps herself in good shape and her thin lithe body was just something I wanted to lick all over.
As she and Master approached I got on my knees and prepared to receive my final orders until they returned. M. Donna put out her foot (with shoe on of course) for me to kiss before she left. She knows that above all else I desire from her that worshipping her feet are my greatest desire. I was ready to bust but I knew better. I have strict orders that at no time am I even to have any pre-cum without her express order to do so. M. Donna knew I was busting inside and there was nothing I could do.
As she placed her shoed foot in front of her gown for me to kiss I slowly placed my lips on the tip of the most beautiful shoes she has worn to date. I love pointy high heels of about 2-3 inches and tonight she had them on. There were beautfiful black shoes and M. Donna was wearing beautiful black stockings. The front of her shoe did not cover her entire foot and from where her toes and arch met I could see her "toe cleavage". I was dying to place my hand on her shoe, take off her shoe and then begin smelling and kissing her foot. I knew better though. Master A. gave a short laugh as I was humiliated in front of him and he knew it. M. Donna never lets me forget that I'm not the man he his and will never be. She takes every opportunity to humiliate me in front of Master A. and there's nothing I could do. If I disobey M. Donna then Master A. will punish me - and it's more painful then when M. Donna punishes me. Master A. can be very cruel.
I received my marching orders for the evening and told to be ready when they return. Usually, I'm used to enhance their sexual pleasure when they are together. It could be anything from eating pussy to sucking dick or worse. I am expected to comply or else. I figured this to be the case but I was very surprised when Mistress and Master returned. Master A. was tired and went immediately to bed but M. Donna had a cruel grin on her face.
"Undress me, and if you make any mistake I will punish you", as M. Donna waited for me to unzip her gown. I carefully hung it and noticed M. Donna waiting at the foot of the bed for me. I quickly ran to her and got on my knees. I can see that M. Donna was holding the one punishment device that made me cringe - it was a chastity device. "Put this on", she ordered and on it went. I handed M. Donna the key and then she placed it in a box away from the tow of us. She sat down again and crossed her legs.
Here I was, on my knees in front of a woman that I find irresistable in all ways and she's dressed in nothing but stockings and 3 inch black pumps with stilleto heels. She snapped her fingers and pointed to her shoes. I quickly crawled over. "Take off my shoes slowly" M. Donna ordered. She was twirling her foot in the usual way she does when she's impatient so I knew this would be a very long evening. As I slowly and finally got a grip on her shoe I slowly pulled so as not to hurt M. Donna in any way as I removed her shoes. The smell was intoxicating. I suppose I should have expected that since she was at a black tie affair and was probably dancing and who knows what else.
"I hope you like the smell down there because you've got quite a long way to go. I'm going to torment you all night into the morning. You will sleep with my feet in your face tonight and wake up with me kicking you in the face - that's if you can even get to sleep you little shit of a man", she said as she picked up her foot to switch legs and kicked me in the face in the process.
This was not to be my night. Not only was I being tormented, now I 'm being spoken down to and humiliated by M. Donna.
I took off her other shoe. "Put my shoes away and get back here immediately". I did as M. Donna ordered. "You are a slow-ass and you will be punished for it. When I give you an order I expect you to comply within my time not yours", she said. I said nothing as I was not allowed to react at all. I could only take whatever abuse she do dished out.
"Now, take my stockings off and do it with my feet in your face foot-boy!", she barked. My dick was ready aching inside the chastity device and M. Donna knew it. The more I was near the smell and feel of her feet the worse the pain got and I knew that no relief was forthcoming. "If you make the slightest mistake taking off my stockings, if I get a run or you wrinkle them in any way then I'll make you wear that chastity belt an extra week. Am I making myself clear foot-idiot? Yes, M. Donna you are perfectly clear", I said.
Here I was, on my knees with M. Donna's feet directly in my face. If not for the chastity device I would cum right where stood. The smell was so delicious and I could feel the firm but wrinkled soles of M. Donna's feet at the same time. I was dying. I wanted to cry as I knelt in anguish.
"I want a pedicure. We wil try different colors until I'm satisfied and if you make any mistakes you'll start over again. I'm going to make you bust before this is all over you little foot-freak. Give me a pedicure just like you used to do for your mother when you were a child. You'll do it once and then again until I say I've had enough. C'mon foot-freak get started." Then M. .Donna slapped me with the sole of her foot right in my face so that I knew she meant business. "When you are done you will be placed in the box at the foot of my bed for the evening". Now I knew I was in for a very long evening.
The box M. Donna was speaking about was a contraption that Master A. built that was part of their bed. Master A. had taken the bottom half of their bed and installed a box with a seat and restraings in it. When the mood struck either one of them I would be placed in the box, wrists and ankles restrained on my head sticking out of the bed at about the position of their feet. I would be placed in the box naked to further humiliate me. Once in the box only my head would be exposed and Master A. or M. Donna can either play with my face or as they usually would do - kick me in the face with their feet. Sometimes, I'd be told to lick their feet but this time I was to spend the night with M. Donna's feet in my face.
This ends today's fantasy.
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